Tuesday, July 15, 2008

My First Taste of Press!

It's SO nice to finally receive some direct press coverage of my designs! Thank you to Heather Kraft of the Kansas City Star for featuring one of my pieces and doing such a nice little write-up on me!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Haute Market Rings!

I just made 100 of these rings for the Haute Market goody bags to be given out at their next event on July 17th. My fingers are pretty much raw and numb from hand-making all of these. The photo isn't the best (it was almost dark out and I had to ship the rings the next day), but hopefully the free publicity I get will pay off in the long run. I had an extra one I let my mom have and she's been wearing it almost daily. She's my number one fan and ya gotta love your number one fan! :)