Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I love L.A.!

I had the best weekend in L.A.! It was business for my husband and a little business and a lot of play for me! My best friend and his wife are expecting their first child in December and I got to see her oh-so-cute belly! I can't believe that within 48 hours I saw downtown L.A., Laguna Beach, Burbank and Santa Monica! The traffic was a little different than in K.C. On the way back from Laguna it was bumper to bumper the whole way even though there are 6 or 7 lanes of highway! Even with the traffic and the low air quality, I just love it! It smelled like Spring almost everywhere (except downtown, of course).

Before I left Kansas City, I printed off some small promotional cards (about 1" x 4") and left them in various places, like in the restrooms at the airport, tucked into the magazines on the airplane, stuck in the windows of the newspaper machines in L.A., and on the counter at various Starbucks. We'll see if I get any hits from those! I made a sale right before I left, which really got my psyched!

It has taken a couple of days to return to Kansas City time and get creating again, but I am going to list more product this week, so I'm happy.

1 comment:

  1. That was a very good idea to just leave your "calling cards" in random places..I will have to remember that when I am traveling in Nov and Dec : )
