I am SO excited about this upcoming event! I have been collaborating with local musician Jillian Riscoe and we are creating a new line of jewelry titled "Pink Symphony". There are three necklace designs and one ring design that will debut at the event on December 12th. Jillian will be performing a live acoustic set! We are going to raffle away a gift also! This will be such a fun event! There is no address on the flyer because it's taking place at a private residence. We will be giving the address of the event when people rsvp. Fun fun fun!!!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
My First Taste of Press!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Haute Market Rings!
I just made 100 of these rings for the Haute Market goody bags to be given out at their next event on July 17th. My fingers are pretty much raw and numb from hand-making all of these. The photo isn't the best (it was almost dark out and I had to ship the rings the next day), but hopefully the free publicity I get will pay off in the long run. I had an extra one I let my mom have and she's been wearing it almost daily. She's my number one fan and ya gotta love your number one fan! :)
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Press Kit - Finally!
If you want to see it, there is now a link at the top right of this page.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Encounters of the "I'm not so sure" Kind
While browsing, one of the employees commented on my jewelry I was wearing and I told her I made it. I wrote down my web store address for her on a scrap piece of paper, thinking "I still don't have business cards! I've got to get on that!" I thought about offering to sell her the piece off my neck, but did not because it seemed a bit tacky. Hopefully she will visit my shop and perhaps make a purchase :) It is always nice to get the positive feedback!
I met one of the shop's owners, who was obviously busy behind the counter. When I asked her if they did consignment, she replied, "Well, we don't discuss that in public." I thought that was a strange response. A simple yes or no would have answered my question, but I took the artist information packet anyway so I could have a look.
When I read through the artist requirements, one statement jumped out at me - "Our guidelines include regional exclusivity and one-on-one access to you, the artist." Whoa - that one made me do a double-take. To me this sounds like if you sell at their store, you don't sell at any other store within the same "region". Whether "region" refers to a one mile radius or a twenty mile radius, that sounds like a good deal for the store, not so much for the artist.
I did some more online research and discovered an article in the Kansas City Star http://www.kansascity.com/business/story/582832.html that discusses a local team of artists that sells recycled purses at Stuff. It states that the team gets 50% of the proceeds. I am assuming that means the store takes the other 50%. Again, sounds like a good deal for the store, not so much for the artist.
Needless to say, I don't think this store is for me as a seller. I doubt there would be a place for me with such an overabundance of products, not to mention talent. Oh, well, on to the next great adventure - tonight I am going to help paint the inside of Now and Then, where I currently sell on consignment (and receive an 80% cut, might I add - I even have my own dedicated display for my product - it doesn't get better than that!). Cheryl Hocker (the owner) is an awesome gal to work with!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
New Pendants!
I am so excited about these new pendants! I am using recycled "play-doh" caps as the mold to create them. Some feature inspirational words and some feature glass beads. Creating the glass beads version is somewhat tedious, as each bead must be slowly positioned into the resin. This drives me nuts, but I love the way they are turning out! I will be listing more in my etsy shop soon, so stay tuned :)
Friday, May 2, 2008
The Mighty B
Anyway, Sophia is hooked on it (it's nice to have her obsessing over something other than Sponge Bob) and asks me every day when the next one will come on...luckily tonight we remembered to tape the episode so she won't go into too much of a withdrawl between episodes :)
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
My First Fashion Show!!
I participated in my first fashion show last weekend at the Mosaic Lounge in the Kansas City Power and Light District. It was so fun to see my designs on the runway! And all proceeds from the show went to benefit the Chameleon children's charity of Kansas City!
Friday, April 11, 2008
Opportunities and Payoffs, Part Two
On a side note regarding Craigslist, I also recently answered an ad requesting products from local artists to be placed in a shop. I ended up getting a decent size wholesale order from Alyssa Aley, the new owner of Nancy's Niche in Shawnee, Kansas. It is a very cute shop! It looks like a little cottage! I hope my product does well for her.
Back to the fashion show, here is the ad promoting the show. My name is misspelled :( , but my logo turned out! :)
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Opportunities and Pay-Offs, Part One
Fast forward to a few days ago. I receive a message on my answering machine from the woman who first purchased a necklace from me. She had been trying to track down my phone number for over a month and finally found it. The women in her group just loved the necklace and could she order ELEVEN more? Wow, what a great feeling to hear that!
You never know which opportunities are really going to pay off, so you have to remember to take advantage of as many as possible!
Friday, March 14, 2008
Okay, Here's My Gold
I love the sleekness of them. They have a modern feel with a touch of the 70s. The heart shaped pendant is actually two resin hearts adhered together back to back to create a "puffy" heart. It looks great! I am hoping to find ribbon to be able to do a silver version of both.
Monday, March 10, 2008
I Love Goooooold!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Tarina Tarantino
I read her story and looked at all of her product and have watched some of her video work as she opens her new store in Milan, Italy. If I could sit down with anyone and chat with them about how to build a business and market your talent, it would have to be her. And the pink hair! Awesome! I would never have the courage to wear such a bold color, but it works for her.
One aspect of her business that I truly admire is that everything is assembled in her warehouse in California, not overseas, which is something many companies do not do when they grow so large. I stumbled across this article from a back issue of Swindle magazine that is an interesting read:
And, if you want to see some amazing, sparkling jewelry, see her shop at http://tarinatarantino.com/
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Adventures in Resin
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Don't you love it when you discover how to transform an everyday something into a magnificent, wearable work of art?
I rehabbed and re-sold houses with my family for about 6 years and always LOVED going to the local Home Depot or Lowes to pick up a new faucet, sink, cabinet knob, or anything needed during an extensive remodel. During my frequent trips I would walk up and down the isles just ooing and awwing at all the shiny stuff on display. I didn't see just washers or copper pipes, I always saw a bit of art in them.
Last year when it became apparent that the real estate market was heading south and we were losing money, we quit rehabbing homes. As we were finishing our final rehab project, and I was trying to figure out what to do with my life :) I was picking up some things at Home Depot and just for fun grabbed some washers thinking I could figure out a way to make them into something cool. After many experiments, I discovered ways to incorporate not only washers, but woodruff keys, retaining rings and simple hole plugs into my jewelry designs.
These are some of the designs I have created using items purchased at a hardware store:
It's just amazing to see what simple things can become when you use your imagination! I can't wait to see what I discover next!
Monday, February 25, 2008

Saturday, February 23, 2008
I wanna be a rock star!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
The Sunday Special
The second seller, Pursecution, sells nicely detailed handbags that have an edge to them. I love this green and black beauty (this mossy green is one of my all time favorite colors). It reminds me of a somewhat recent design from Christian Dior. Very cool. See more of Pursecution's designs at http://pursecution.etsy.com/
Well, now of course I really, really want a new handbag! :) Have a super Sunday everyone!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
High Society
I just finished this new necklace design. I am inventing some pieces with a little higher end look to feature on the other site I sell on, smashingdarling.com. I also love skulls and loved the idea of combining something edgy with something that had a classic, elegant look to it. I found this beautiful gold paint I had in my stash and started painted these giant wooden beads I recently purchased. I combined them with some extra cut glass beads I had and created this design I'm really excited about!
Sunday, February 3, 2008
The Sunday Special
One of my favorites is this golden retriever with a tennis ball. It reminds me of my dogs. You can see more at http://dogartstudio.etsy.com/
This next artist creates digital collages and has been part of etsy a little over a year. One of my favorites is the above piece, titled "Train Color". You can see more fabulous digital work at http://divineimages.etsy.com/
Finally, the third seller I'm featuring also does digital collage work as well as fine art. Her pieces are mystical, magical, and often quite eerie. The above piece is titled "New Shoes". I just love the ghostliness of it! You can see more of her work at http://artandghosts.etsy.com/
Well, that's it for today. Have a super Sunday!
Friday, February 1, 2008
Repeat Customers
While I bask in that, my head is spinning with new ideas...too many new ideas. Some days it is so hard to get my thoughts organized! Spring is right around the corner and I am so excited to introduce new designs! I will post my new designs...once I narrow them down. :)
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
I was out in the 60-degree weather yesterday with my daughter playing in what is left of our leaves. The wind was ridiculous, but Sophia loved it! Of course, Kitty had to go outside with us. We have had Kitty for about 3 years now. She has been through the ringer, let me tell ya. Her tail has almost no fur left and her ears were chewed off by our two dogs (I felt really bad about that). She used to be white, but now, even with a thorough soaking by our washing machine, the closest she gets is a kind of light grey.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Discovering a Niche
Here is a photo of me wearing a couple of my charms and some of my dogtag designs. It would be nice to actually have a model and the correct lighting, oh, and maybe a cool studio to shoot in with a professional photographer, but that is not in the cards right now, so I am the model and the photographer. I think this shot came out all right. I just wanted to show some of my favorites that I'm working on right now :)
Sunday, January 27, 2008
The Sunday Special
This is from Crankbunny. They create these lovely pop-up cards. Just awesome! The one pictured sells for $8.00. You can see more of their product at http://crankbunny.etsy.com/
This next seller is Moth to Flame. She does paintings using bleach. Amazing work! Above is "Skeletal Moth". This particular shot is an art card of an original, which sells for $8.00. You can see more of her product at http://mothtoflame.etsy.com/
Finally, this artist is one of the first I discovered on etsy. Her needle-felted animals are superb! She will do a replica of your dog or cat for $145. Sounds like a lot, right? But if you see some of the close-up shots, you can see how much work goes into one of these beauties! Just look at their eyes! Each holds its own unique expression. Truly one-of-a-kind! You can see more of these cuties and her other fabulous illustration work at http://ameliamakesart.etsy.com/
Have a super Sunday!
Sunday, January 20, 2008
The Sunday Special
I love the foiled skull bead on this pearl choker! It is elegant and a bit evil at the same time! You can see more of ferociter at http://ferociter.etsy.com/
Another favorite of mine is:
This is called "I Am The Wind" by Beth Spatafora of Arete. It was my first etsy purchase. She has since upgraded the design so that the image sits inside a bezel. The version I purchased was simply soldered on the back. I love this change. It really adds polish to the piece! You can see more of her work at http://arete.etsy.com/.
Finally, this next etsy artist is new to the scene, and has a great style, combining vintage pieces with her own designs to create really visually appealing pieces. One of my favorites is this choker:
You can see more of her work at http://shalottlilly5.etsy.com/.
Have a super special Sunday, everyone!
Saturday, January 19, 2008
OAK Boston, here I come! :)
I finally got my display and product shipped out to Boston. Crossing my fingers that it arrives safe and sound. I included a mix of goodies: Plastic "letter yourself" pendants, suede pendants with Swarovski crystal accents, a couple of my "Spread your wings and fly" pendants, smile pendants and my steel pendant necklaces with glass accents. I'm both nervous and excited about this opportunity!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Welcome 2008
I recently listed my new line of rings. I decided to package them in this tall, hard plastic box. With the insert, it looks very modern and allows me to advertise my shop address without taking over the clean look of the packaging. This one, "lava", sold the first day! I am working on some other versions to sell at my consignment gig. I sure am having fun making them!